My List of 30 Relatable Personal Goal Ideas To Try This Year

In the past, I’ve mentioned how I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions. I believe if you want to make a positive change, it shouldn’t take the clock striking midnight to make it happen. I do, however, like to make a list of goals (these are mine from 2019) along with small things I’d like to do at the start of the new year. These are anything from tiny improvements to my personal well-being (like updating my fitness regimen and drinking more water), to organizing and deep cleaning my apartment. Then I also make a point of including fun things that will bring moreRead More →

fitness motivation tips

I often find myself lacking the motivation to hit the gym. Especially this time of the year when the days are shorter and colder. I’ve used the excuses I’m to tired, that I’m to busy, or I just simply don’t feel like going. Not long ago, if I didn’t feel like working out–I’d skip the gym session all together. I started getting in the habit of doing this and about a month ago I came to the realization that I needed to stop saying, “I’ll go tomorrow.” Fitness isn’t just about looking good, it’s also about being healthy. I started thinking about the different approachesRead More →