We’ve created a Summertime Shopping Guide to bring you the latest from all our favorite labels and online shopping sites. You can get your suitcases out and start packing for the perfect vacation. You’ll find everything from the ideal swimsuit, the newest clothing and shoe styles, to must have accessories and beauty products. Start planning a summertime soiree by shopping in our entertaining and decor shop. Whatever your needs are, we’ve got you covered! (Scroll down and use the arrows to navigate between pages.) XoXo, Kristie @agirlinla / [email protected]Read More →

    Growing up on the east coast and spending every Christmas there, I couldn’t imagine being in a warm climate for the holidays. I need a few perfect 25-degree days with lots of snow. (Then I hurry on back to Los Angeles, and hope the winter here (aka rain) is short.) I do spend the first part of December in LA, and I started celebrating as soon as finished my Thanksgiving dinner. December flies by and before you know it, we’re thinking about all the food we ate, and alcoholic beverages we consumed come January 1st, so lets try to fit in as muchRead More →