Packing Tips: How To Pack Your Jewelry

I’m often amazed when I hear about women packing lightly, or even watching Billy throw a few essentials into his suitcase the day of travel. I’m not someone who’s ever been able to go on a trip with just a few necessities. This week I’ll be leaving for a three-week trip to the East Coast for a family reunion/beach vacation. About a week before I start to plan what I’m going to bring with me. Packing for a vacation can be very overwhelming. Over the years I’ve accumulated a lot of travel miles which has taught me how to simplify my process. Yes, I still “overpack,”Read More →

Connecticut Shoreline

For the first 20 years of my life, my family and I had a tradition that I looked forward to every year. Each summer we would pack up the car and head down to the Connecticut shoreline. We stayed at a cottage on the ocean for an entertaining and unforgettable vacation. Eventually the cottage was sold and we switched to a beach resort, and then I moved to Los Angeles. Since then, I’ve only been back to my favorite spot once. This summer however, my mom found a beach house on the same street that I grew up vacationing on and I couldn’t be moreRead More →